My MIL, knowing that I have a thing for lavender, got me Lavender Laundry Soap from Glendarragh Lavender Farm in Maine. I can't wait to wash my sheets in it! (Fresh clean sheets are already The Best, aren't they? This is going to take it to a new level.)
And here are some other random things on my mind:
...Houzz.com, a new source of home improvement inspiration pics
...the dirty dozen & clean fifteen of produce
...have you heard about the nastiness of imported shrimp? we are now making a concerted effort to buy domestic shrimp only.
...i think this piggy bank is awesome!
...Pinterest, i love you.
...one of my favorite food blogs, Annie's Eats. (imagine my surprise when, after following her blog for about 6 months, I discover that she's also had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and has been in remission for 7 years...)
...a friend just introduced me to Doodle.com. genius!
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