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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Satisfying Seafood Cravings

I've had some wicked cravings for seafood lately...particularly salmon and lobster. It seems like great seafood is everywhere you look during the New England summer, but in fall and winter, it takes a back seat to hearty comfort foods. And then suddenly it's February and I feel like I haven't had fresh seafood in forever.
So for Valentine's Day, we stayed in and I whipped up a light and fresh salmon fettuccine, with a lemon butter dill sauce and capers. One craving down, one to go...

And since Steven and I were good little homeowners this weekend and worked on several projects around the house, I thought we deserved a special Sunday dinner.
This creamy lobster stew, featuring fresh lobster, onions, corn, white wine, butter and milk, was just the ticket. It was quick and easy (shucking the lobster took the longest) and only took about half an hour to prepare. It probably would have been even better if allowed to meld for a while, but we couldn't resist eating it right away. It was delicious and definitely hit the spot. :)


  1. YUM! Please send the lobster stew recipe along!

  2. B, it's loosely based on a recipe from the Dishing Up Maine cookbook...but I modify to add the onions and corn. I'll email you the basic recipe tonight!

  3. I had a massive seafood craving last night-- I broiled frozen shrimp w/butter, lemon and crushed red pepper. Now of course, I am drooling over your lobster stew....
