then this guy has a special spot up there.

I'm very sad to report that Buster had to be put to sleep on Tuesday, after a long and happy life. He was a sweetheart loved by all, a complete "people dog", and a great friend. His 14 years with our family consisted of everything from the rough and tumble farm dog life (courageously screening every woodpile in his territory for villainous mice) to the much-deserved life of leisure in his golden years...indoor living, full-time human companionship, and delicious treats from the kitchen. While Steven and I are sad to have never had him live with us, we know that the country life with my mom, grandmother, and brother was the best way for him to finish out his dog years.
Buster was there for many milestones, such as our engagement, where "going on a hike with Buster" was Steven's ruse to get me out to Long Pond, where he surprised me with champagne, roses, and a *diamond*...

And of course he was the adorable ring bearer at our 2007 wedding...

He was that once-in-a-lifetime dog, totally worth my crooked nose, and he'll be missed by all who loved him.
so sorry to hear about Buster. He was a good boy, not too certain that he liked Roxi girl to be so close to his Babi, but he allowed it just that once...