Wow, July sure did come in with a vengeance, eh? It's been stiflingly hot, hazy, and humid for a week+ now...but this weekend should bring some relief, via summer thunderstorms. Fine by me, as long as it brings that fresh cool air with it, however briefly.
Speaking of fresh and cool, how about homemade popsicles? I made these strawberries 'n cream popsicles a few weeks ago, and they were a great guilt-free treat for a hot summer night!

We have a couple mangos and a pineapple to use up this weekend, and I'm thinking they'd make a great Popsicle Batch #2. Maybe with a touch of honey? Yum.
Besides that, not too much planned this weekend, just a bunch of home & garden "Must Do's"...which, oddly enough, we now consider FUN. :)
Strawberry pops, YUM!!